8 Steps For Effective Problem Solving

“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”
-Abraham Maslow

We encounter problems everyday and everybody can benefit from having a good plan to overcome them.  

Some of these problems are obviously more severe or complex than others.

Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution.

Planning and structuring well makes process of problem solving more successful. Here is a step by step breakdown of how you can easily solve a problem:

1. Identify the problem 
"A problem well stated is a problem half solved." -John Dewey
  • Define the problem i.e. what exactly is that you want to solve
  • What are the causes
  • What are the possible maintaining factor
  • Is it situation specific?

2. Break it down into smaller steps and decide which part do you want to work on first
  • Break down the problem into smaller steps
  • Determine which step do you want to work on
  • List down the steps in the order you want to solve (from most important to least important)
3. Brainstorm and write down as many solutions you can think of
  • Write down as many solutions as you can think of for the problem in hand
  • Develop alternatives as backup plan

4. Write down pros and cons of each alternative
  • Write down pros and cons of each alternative on a separate paper
  • Narrow down to the most practical solution available 
  • Think from different perspectives
  •  Choose the solution with most advantages
5. Plan out how you can implement this solution- write down step by step plan
  • What do you need to carry out this solution
  • When and how can you implement it
  • What are the resources required
  • Is there anyone you want to work with?
  • Is this realistic and achievable

6. Implement the plan
  • Now that you have a plan ready implement it and see how it works out

7. Review it- How did it go, what worked what didn't

  • Review and feedback
  • Did you achieve your goal (yes/no)
  • Did you achieve any progress no matter how small
  • What worked 
  • What did not work
  • What more could you have done
  • What did you learn
8. (a) If you achieved your goal- consider tackling the next step of your original problem. 
 (b) If you didn’t fully achieve your goal – make adjustments to your chosen solution, or return to steps 3,4 and 5 and choose another possible solution

Let us know how did this problem solving plan help you!

Sanjina Bose


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