6 Steps for reframing your thoughts
We all have been in a situation when we felt o verpowered by our thoughts. We draw negative conclusions from these thoughts which weren't necessarily true. The idea that you can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it. We start by understanding that it is in our own power to see a situation through a different perspective. Reframing is simply coming up with different interpretation of an event or experience. It is a part of cognitive behavioural therapy which helps you to change the way you perceive an event or experience therefore change the way you feel about it. It may seem overwhelmingly difficult to change your own ways of thinking, it is actually comparable to any other skill, it is hard when you first begin, but with practice, you will find it easier and easier to challenge and reframe your own negative thoughts and beliefs. Use these 6 steps to reframe your thoughts: 1. Write down the situation Describe the situation you are in which ...