6 Steps for reframing your thoughts
We all have been in a situation when we felt overpowered by our thoughts. We draw negative conclusions from these thoughts which weren't necessarily true. The idea that you can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it. We start by understanding that it is in our own power to see a situation through a different perspective.
Reframing is simply coming up with different interpretation of an event or experience. It is a part of cognitive behavioural therapy which helps you to change the way you perceive an event or experience therefore change the way you feel about it.
It may seem overwhelmingly difficult to change your own ways of thinking, it is actually comparable to any other skill, it is hard when you first begin, but with practice, you will find it easier and easier to challenge and reframe your own negative thoughts and beliefs.
Use these 6 steps to reframe your thoughts:
1. Write down the situation
- Describe the situation you are in which is giving rise to the disturbing or negative thoughts and feelings. Look at all the aspects that contributing to the situation
- Example: I am worried about my upcoming exams.
2. Write down your thoughts about the situation
- Now write down the thought that arises in the situation. Write down what exactly is going on in your mind.
- Example: I will definitely fail this test again.
3. Write down your feelings related to situation
- Now name the feeling. How do you feel about this thought.
- Example: I feel scared and worried because I might fail.
4. List down evidence that support thoughts
- Now let's write down what are the facts or evidence that support this negative thought
- You may write down the for and against statement.
- For statement:
- I didn't clear this exam last year.
- Against statement:
- I cannot predict the future or about the exam
- Unlike last year I'm better prepared this year
5. Write down alternate thoughts
- Now we reframe this negative thought or you could say we are trying to balance out this negative thought with a positive one. Write down 3 alternative thoughts.
- What if we try to think of this situation from an alternative and positive perspective.
- Example:
- I am better prepared this year for the exams and there are better chances for me to clear this.
- It's okay even if I don't clear this exam, there are other opportunities as well.
- I cannot predict what will happen in the future, all I can do is give my best and prepare for the upcoming exam.
Through this step we try and see from a different perspective. It is important to remember that thoughts are not facts, even though they might feel like it sometimes. There are pros and cons of each situation, take your time to understand and process your thoughts. By reframing, you are able to view the situation through a clear lens.
6. Write down what feelings and emotions you feel related to alternative thought
- Take a deep breath
- Use this acronym to relax: TAP
- T: Take a breath
- A: Acknowledge
- P: Proceed
- Evaluate how you feel about this reframed thought
- How does it feel to change the perspective
- Let go off things that are beyond your control
Sanjina Bose
A better way to control your thoughts, Great Work, Sanjina!